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toscutil v2.8.1

toscutil v2.8.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-28

  • Added: added functions check_pkg_docs(), find_description_file(), get_pkg_docs(), logf(), read_description_file(), trace_package(), untrace_package()
  • Added: added list fg (foreground colors)
  • Added: arguments color and digits.sec to functions now() and now_ms(). Also merged their documentation and implementation (now_ms() calls now() internally).
  • Refactor: languageserver is now an optional dependency instead of a required one. This makes the package more lightweight and easier to install.
  • Refactor: catf and cat2 are implemented more efficiently now. In particular, both use only one call to cat, which makes them better usable in parallel executed code.
  • Refactor: help2 now also works for functions loaded via devtools.
  • Fixed: function named()
  • Fixed: a bug in function stub(), which caused the function to fail, when later arguments used the value of previous argument as inputs.

toscutil v2.7.4

CRAN release: 2023-09-05

  • Fixed: Fixed a bug in cat2 introduced in v2.7.3 that caused additional newlines to be added between each line of output.

toscutil v2.7.3

CRAN release: 2023-08-28

  • Fixed: when using cat2 to print to files the end part kept getting printed to the console. This behavior is fixed now and end also goes to the file.

toscutil v2.7.2

toscutil v2.7.1

  • Fixed: Fixed split_docstring(). Docstrings ending with a keyword, e.g. @export are now returned correctly without additional whitespace.

toscutil v2.7.0

toscutil v2.6.0

  • Added: Added function help2
  • Infrastructure: Added function reference to

toscutil v2.5.1

toscutil v2.5.0

CRAN release: 2022-06-30

  • Added: Added functions caller, function_locals, locals, now_ms and stub
  • Changed: Changed default values for function cat2
  • Changed: Changed return value for function now. Timezone is not returned as well, i.e. instead of "2022-12-24 11:13:57" something like "2022-12-24 11:13:57 CEST" is returned.
  • Changed: Added dependencies to core packages "methods" and "utils" and to 3rd party package "rlang".
  • Changed: Changed package Title from “Utility Functions by Tobias Schmidt (ToSc)” to “Utility Functions”
  • Fixed: Made function predict.numeric more robust (check for classes “matrix” and “array” is now done using function inherits).
  • Deprecated: Deprecated functions cat0, catn, cat0n, catsn and catnn

toscutil v2.4.0

  • Added: Added functions config_dir, data_dir, norm_path, config_file, xdg_data_home, xdg_config_home,

toscutil v2.3.0

  • Added: Added functions catsn, catnn, catf and catfn

toscutil v2.2.0

  • Added: Added function home

toscutil v2.1.0

CRAN release: 2022-02-22

  • Infrastructure: Added more details about package functionality and implemented methods in field Description of file DESCRIPTION
  • Fixed: Replaced F with FALSE in getfd.{R|Rd}
  • Fixed: Updated function documentation. Every function now contains at least the following roxygen tags: name, title, description, return, i.e., the corresponding *.Rd-files contain at least the following tags \name, \title , \value, \description.
  • Added: Argument end to cat variants

toscutil v2.0.3

  • Infrastructure: Added files generated by CRAN submission

toscutil v2.0.2

Fixed: Improved .Rbuildignore

toscutil v2.0.1

  • Fixed: Removed man folder from .gitignore
  • Fixed: Changed License entry in DESCRIPTION to MIT + file LICENSE to prevent R CMD check note
  • Fixed: Made repo public to prevent invalid URL note in R CMD check
  • Fixed: Converted title in DESCRIPTION to title case to prevent R CMD check note

toscutil v2.0.0

  • Removed: cache function, because of downstream dependencies which caused problems with R CMD check
  • Fixed: Documentation of cat0, catn, cat0n
  • Fixed: Documentation of ifthen
  • Fixed: Documentation of rm_all
  • Changed: predict.numeric to use paste instead of glue::glue to remove the dependency on package glue

toscutil v1.4.1

  • Fixed: filename of ./R/named.R (file extensions was missing)
  • Infrastructure: migrated from gitlab to github
  • Infrastructure: added github action for R CMD check.

toscutil v1.4.0

  • Added: function sys.exit(status)

toscutil v1.3.0

  • Fixed: function getfd. getfd now returns the correct file directory also for scripts started through Rscript
  • Added: optional parameter on.error to getfd
  • Added: optional parameter winslash to getfd

toscutil v1.2.0

  • Added: cat0, catn and cat0n functions

toscutil v1.1.0

  • Added: %none% function (previously called %d%)

toscutil v1.0.0

  • Removed: + function (x is now part of the toscmask package)
  • Removed: %d% function

toscutil v0.0.0.9006

  • Removed: where function (instead envnames::find_obj can be used)

toscutil v0.0.0.9005

  • Added: named function

toscutil v0.0.0.9004

  • Added: now function

toscutil v0.0.0.9003

  • Changed: getfd now throws an error if no sourced file can be found
  • Changed: getprd renamed to getpd
  • Changed: getpd now takes an argument of files used to decide which folder is the project root (default: c(".git", "DESCRIPTION", "NAMESPACE"))

toscutil v0.0.0.9002

  • Added: where command
  • Added: this changelog
  • Added: + operator